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The Migrant Crisis

The moving and inspirational story of ABBA migrant shelter in Celaya, Mexico, where Pastor Ignacio helps thousands of migrants.

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" Short, beautiful and perceptive...

captures the courage and solidarity so fundamental to migrant inclusion" 

Jacqueline Bhabha, Prof, Health & Human Rights, Harvard University

"They are people, just like us, with rights and dreams, and hopes for their children to go to school and have decent lives"     Pastor Ignacio Ramirez Martinez

WHERE CAN WE LIVE IN PEACE?  brings the migrant crisis through the eyes of Pastor Ignacio, who founded the ABBA safehouse. Here, thousands of migrants receive help.


The Idea for ABBA began when Ignacio and his family took food to migrants jumping freight trains. There was nowhere to wash or sleep and some were sick. They were fleeing from gang violence, abject poverty, and the effects of climate change in countries like El Salvador, Honduras and Guatemala – desperately searching for a place to bring up their children in safety.  So Ignacio founded ABBA, a place where migrants can rest, receive food and seek medical and psychological help. ABBA is also the only shelter in Mexico that cares for those who lose limbs falling while riding the trains (“La Bestia”) through Mexico.

Now, ABBA has been donated land upon which to build Ignacio’s vision:  a Cultural and Human Rights Centre which will be a sanctuary for injured migrants . Here they will receive therapy and education. This film is raising money for the new buildings  through The Latin American Relief Fund on Canada Helps– see below.


Migration is a key issue in the coming US election Trump calls migrants ‘’not human , criminal, animals”  whilst Biden has all but close the Southern Border. In this world of increasing nationalism and xenophobia Ignacio’s work is vitally important.


"It is not about us"  he says "It's about the dignity of our brother travellers"

Canadians, please consider donating to the
"Latin American Relief Fund" through Canada Helps

Americans, please consider donating directly through our sister US organization,  Latin American Relief Fund

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Screening Events

Where Can We Live In Peace?

Where Can We Live In Peace?

 What are people saying about 
Where Can We Live In Peace?

"Simultaneously heartwarming and heartbreaking, Where Can We Live in
Peace offers viewers an intimate primer regarding our continuing
global migration crises. This beautifully and boldly shot film draws
focused attention on a few brave victims as examples of the massive
numbers on the move. Throughout the tragic tales told are glimmers of
hope, and the strength of the human spirit shines. Where Can We Live
in Peaceshould be required viewing for all those running - and voting
- in the upcoming U.S. presidential election."

Peter Laufer, Professor of Journalism, founding Co-director, UNESCO
Crossings Institute, University of Oregon, Author, Up Against the
Wall: The Case for Opening the Mexican-American Border

Film Distribution by
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